About Us
About the Los Angeles County Mandated Supporting Initiative
On May 2, 2023, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors unanimously passed the From Mandated Reporting to Community Supporting motion. The motion formally directed the reform of mandated reporting of suspected child abuse and neglect in Los Angeles County and served as a powerful call to action.
The Mandated Supporting Initiative (MSI) was initiated by the Racial Justice Committee of the Los Angeles County Commission for Children and Families, which explored the intersection of race and mandated reporting during its Knowledge is Power Summit.
The MSI is powered by a broad coalition of cross-sector public, private, and community-based change agents who are committed to being a part of the solution.
Meet the Staff

Dr. Tamara N. Hunter has worked to improve the lives of Los Angeles County’s most vulnerable children and families for more than two decades. She is the Interim Executive Director of the recently established Los Angeles County Prevention and Promotion Systems Governing Committee (Committee), which was created to further develop the County’s prevention and promotion infrastructure and ecosystem through enhanced cross-sector collaboration, coordination, and investment.
Prior to her role with the Committee, Dr. Hunter served as Executive Director of the Los Angeles County Commission for Children and Families, an advisory body to the County’s Board of Supervisors on matters involving child welfare and juvenile justice-impacted children, youth, and families.
Dr. Hunter also leads the Southern California Grantmakers + Los Angeles County Child and Family Well-Being Funders Collaborative, which brings together philanthropy and the public sector in support of systems-level collective impact to advance child and family well-being.
Dr. Hunter is a macro practitioner with extensive experience and expertise in public child welfare; having designed, implemented, and managed programs; administered internal operations; and led cross-sector collaborative teams. She has published, presented, and lectured on these topics.

Gwendolyn Jones has more than 15 years of experience in public child welfare and children’s social work. She demonstrates her professional expertise through successful partnerships with families and community organizations, focusing on child safety, family well-being, and strengthening family connections.
Prior to her tenure with the Los Angeles County Mandated Supporting Initiative, she spent 13 years with the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services, where she supervised Children’s Social Workers in frontline emergency response and served as a Children’s Services Administrator with the department’s training division.
Gwendolyn actively engages with diverse communities, mentors new social workers, and provides support to families in need. She holds a Master of Social Work, degree with a specialty in public child welfare from the University of Southern California.

About the Los Angeles County Office of Child Protection
The Office of Child Protection (OCP) is an independent office reporting to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. The OCP is a leading member of the MSI coalition, works with a wide variety of partners to improve the child welfare system as a whole and is leading the implementation of Plans of Safe Care in Los Angeles County.

LACOE is the largest regional education agency in the country. It provides a range of services and programs to support Los Angeles County's 80 school districts. LACOE is a leader of the MSI.